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Lyrics Maqbool

Shaedi chham na yaara shaedi chham na
Wala ceyti chhey na yaara meyti chheyi na

Shaedi cham —–

Katchur mass ha chhi baethi zazryomut lagyo waayi
ath kemyo sonni myani athae chhuyi dolmut lagyo waayi
Tcheti dalakh na yaarae baeti dal na

Shaedi cham —–
ceyti chhey na —

maenz ha laagnam sadey tchorey lagyo waayi
daknae khulaeyizem zahar botley lagyo waayi
tcheti khykh na yaar baeti kheym na

shaedi chham —-
ceyti chhey na—-

qabar ha khann nam shestaro sanmbley lagyo waai
che kamyo amley tor waskho lagyo waayi
tcheti wasakh na yaar baeti was na

shaedi chham na—-
ceyti chhey na—

Traevith tchalnam saeri panninee lagyo waayi
mushkil tchey govyo maqbool wannuyi lagyo waayi
tcheti wanakh na yaara baeti wann na

shaedi chham na—-
ceyti chhey na —-


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