Yeli Janan Ralem

Adeh Balem Dile Bemaaro

Daag Jigras Ghalem

Adeh Balem Dile Bemaaro


kael Yeli Toteh kaleem

Zael Panjres Gassi Lurparoo

Hes Hosh Rang me dhalem

Adeh Balem Dile Bemaaro

Aab Zamzam Chalem

Asad Miras Dile Gumanoo

Rahmatik Jam Walem

Adeh Balem Dile Bemaaro

When I meet my beloved

My ailing heart will come alive again

Bruises carved on it will go

My ailing heart will come alive again

When I meet my beloved


Someday, I will lose my speech

Cage around me will fall apart

I will lose all my senses and sheen

My ailing heart will come alive again

When I meet my beloved


zamzam water will purify me

Asad Mir has this surmise

He will decorate me with the graceful attire

My ailing heart will come alive again

When I meet my beloved

My ailing heart will come alive again



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