Afsoos Duniya, Kainsi Ma Loug Samsaar Seethi
Patau Lakaan wuchte Kum Kum Mazaar Waati

Alas ! This world never accompanied any one ,
Behold !How all the Great Men finally landed at the Graveyard.)

Kaasi Maaaji Zaayokh Kyaazi Aayokh Awlai Zeati
Nangai Ti Nonnui Athe Chonni Kya chui che seethi

Khonni Maaji Rochnaakh Dodh Chavaan Chei Lol Seethi
Ath lol Manzlis Lalnavan Asi Che Keeti

Lyrics by RAJAB HAMID BUTT. Rajab Hamid was born in 1910 at a remote village SATOORA in Tral Kashmir




  1. Inam ul haq

    September 25, 2020 at 4:30 pm

    sir can u please upload complete translation

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