Badkaar paano khoadrah che draakho
chena yaad roode kenh

Oh my sinful self that has hedonistic cravings
You did not remember anything

Taawan che dunya yur kyazi aakho
chena yaad roode kenh

This world is a disaster, why you came here
You did not remember anything

Pustepedar paaidhe yele gokho darshikmae madar zaakh
haale wan haale kya maaji yeli zaakho
tchena yaaad roodhe kenh

You were born from the back of your father and front of your mother
Think what suffering through your mother would have gone
You did not remember anything

Khateth be roodus malikilmoutas chatith taalav aam
ha ratith be nounus haa khotue draaso
tchena yaaad roodhe kenh

I tried to conceal myself from angel of death but he came breaking the ceiling to take my soul
He took me, I was proven wrong by angels of grave
You did not remember anything



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