Band Band boz laeni cxooro fandae chhuy nae chhey graav ty
chandh chhoun baazaar draamut mandchit b aav ty
chhatt kaedith sondraa chha dramech chargae yaendras varr divaan
shah tosas yuth nae milee pat sonaech graett daav ty

Band Band boz —–
chandh chhoun —–

Bangae chyth kenh nangae feraan tchrangg nafsen chhrathh divaan
Rangae kaetijah tas chha baasaan heng fetmex gaav ty

Band Band boz ——
chandh chhoun —–

Kheyti wyovhaar myon loguy reyth laegim kaagaz firaan
Pandsatath mandh mokhtae osum tath mouchheyam paav ty

Band Band boz ——
chandh chhoun —–

Sarr ta paayi daftar chhu chonuy varr mey na haq chukh divaan
kar chu laezim na haqyy kanh baeli karun khaar ty

Band Band boz ——
chandh chhoun —–

mudd yus roodh parnae rostyy buddae aesin ya jawaan
wudd waeni chagwaari tas gaemech podd waeli saenz naav ty

Band Band boz ——
chandh chhoun —–

Feer maaly laeni chooras meer samdis bronthh aav
peer dar peer gas chavaan mass meer maa khaam draav ty

Band Band boz ——
chandh chhoun —–



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  1. Koshur

    August 27, 2022 at 3:40 pm

    Please upload the English translation of this beautiful song

  2. Koshur

    August 27, 2022 at 3:41 pm

    upload the English translation of this beautiful song . With great regards

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