Bhaangi Draayokh, Chzaangi Maa Aakhi cey praraan mouj chhey
Raj gobro ghar ceh yikhna watae tchey gaaraan mouj chhey

Bhaangi Draayokh, Chzaangi Maa Aakhi cey praraan mouj chhey

Beyni dapaan chhey yeli che ikh teyli aesi ti paerav maenzi gulli
Ghar ceh yedwaechi aashi chaaney doh guzaaraan mouj chhey

Raj gobro ghar ceh yikhna watae tchey gaaraan mouj chhey
Bhaangi Draayokh, Chzaangi Maa Aakhi cey praraan mouj chhey

Maenzi athae daerith beyni cey chhey mol chhuy douki douki pakaan
Soor folmut gaeri gharaes yikh na cey chharaan mouj chhey

raj gobro —–
baangi drayakh —

Azti aasakh panneni watnech yaad heyth doh doh kadaan
Tati che aasekh maaji czhharaan yeti cey czhharaan mouj chhey

raj gobro —
baangi drayakh —-

Chhi palav chaeni dolaan daengis peythh azz ti wandyo zoov panun
Kati heykan zaerithy aadam paan maaraan mouj chhey

raj gobro —-
baangi draayakh —-

Yaam shairaan batae chhi baanan taam chhukh darmandh ivaan
Pot kuthhis manz maa he aasakh naad laayaan mouj chhey

raj gobro —
baangi drayakh —

Dhagg chha maajin dhagg aenderkin chhikh gaemeti sagar nazeer
Taff sanyomut chhukh wanaan kas shah nae traavaan mouj chhey

raj gobro —
baangi drayakh —
baangi draayakh —



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