Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor
Vyoor poshan kam tulaan chhaavaan chhi kam
baaguk bahaar
Bekhabar ami raaza nish chhukh shora shar bisyaar chhuy
Vaalavaashan chaanyi baapath vaalabâry zaavily karikh
Poshi thari andy andy hyuvuy maa zaal tay sabzaar chhuy
Poshi thari pyath aa1y han chhay vaalanay ath zaalanay Kaaly traavun baag aasee vwony tse kyaah inkaar chhuy
Yus shihul kul aasi bakhshaan Rum a Reshun aay tas Shihli râstyan makh chhi divaan tath gavaah divdaar chhuy
Fussy birdd, you do not know
Who ‹mink delight from bud and blossom,
Ravish spring in all her beauty
Fussy bird, you do not know !
New clapnets have been made for you,
And finer are the meshes ;
The snare around the flower shrub
Is camouflaged in green.
Your pretty nest is on the bough
BUt they’ll burn and bring it down
And, fussy bird, you will have
To leave the garden soon !
We love a shady tree and wish
It were to live for ever,
But axe the one that gives no shade —
Even if it’s the proudest pine !
Lyrics by Trilokinath Raina
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