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CHE YEVAAN ROSHE CHUKH NATE , nate hoshe dayaeyo madno
Ba rivaan(Rona) harne cheshman sorme chalae’yoo madno

Yemberzal cheshme chei hali, rooz syoud, wech ma doole mea kun
Ba chani loole chus baemaar balae’yoo madno

Ashqney waave hyoutnam naar paanas khaak mea go
Oshkey aabe naabad zan ba galaeyo madno

Mea nyutham choori dil mastoor kortham hoori ko’soor
Badnas soor malai dhoor czalaeyo madno

Gonchi zan neari fateth pheri gul zan parde cheteth
Ba chaaney khaare , bar gaseth falaeyo madno

Khateth seenas andar ba naale rateth shaame sondar
Jaame zan sarvi kad paan walaeyo madno

Yetam shahbaaze pherith baaz, diluk raaz wanai
Jigruk maaz demai naar talaeyo madno

Mea kortham foot’e mokhtas toot’e kya bashe karav
Doh aki moutney wanhaar galaeyoo madno

Dama yekh na cze myounie seem taney jeem zulfan
At’er chambeal tai fa’leal malaeyo madno

Rasoolan pyaale cheshman khoni jigar kour ne sharaab
Kabaab dil ba czei kyut karaai(Pan) talaeyoo


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