Dil ha nyunam tchoorey emha college korey
nazra kaernam doorey emha college korey

yaawan haerii tesh mayi haav
pannuyi culture mayyi mashraav
lognas baeti ha taarey emha college korey

dil ha —-
nazra kaernam—

Royi wuchhtayi mey hoshi doul
Bolvun tautayi zann gov koull
Totas dil nyu haarey emha college korey

dil ha —-
nazra kaernam—

Nazra doorey chhakh laayan
aashiqan ma chhakh tamblaavan
Wuchhnam doorey doorey emha college korey

dil ha—
nazra kaernam—-

chaaney baapat oush horum
duniya soruyi meyi trovum
Magar!!Parkal chham na hoorey emha college korey

dil ha—-
nazra kaernam—-



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