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Doorer yaar loguth kout kaala praary
yikhna taeyi maary paan
wuchhan losan aayes kout kaala praary
yikhna taeyi——

watae chham nov moloom toori patae laary,kar kya chhas gaer zaan

wal wuchh tae myon haal chhas lachaaryy
yikh na taeyi—-

doorer yaar —–

chhun kanh mashok tem anhaary tashok chhum arman
bae na sa zarzary chaenii zaary
yikhna taeyi ——-

Doorer yaar ——-

gaenzraavan chhas bae tchaendar taary ,chhun rovtham dil o jaan
aendrem haal kas kar izhaary
yikh na taeyi —–

doorer yaar —-

lokchaar kenh nov rozan saethi, boozi kati samsaar chhu faan
sozae chaney chhuyi wanan mahmood zaary
yikh na taeyi——

doorer yaar loguth –


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