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Gaschhtae waelli waelli /Gas Ta Vael Vael
waav myaenis
mahjabeenas wann salaam,

Dil pareshaan
chhum gomut
shah e madinas wann salaam

Hee tae bey maswal ti aases
naaz bardaeri karaan

Raaz thaevith raazae sy manz
naazneenas wann salaam

Dil pareshaan
chhum goumut—–

Chashmae chhey badaam tas,
Rokhsaar zan falwun golab,

Leef kadd chhus hess tahevith
baarik beenas wann salaam

Dil pareshaan—–

Bulbula yem saat waatakh
tath haseen chamnas andar

Nargisaes ty sumblaes bey
yasmeenas wann salaam
Dil pareshaan chum—–

Gulli gaendith baad az salaam
waeni zes zi nat mashravi meyi,

Jaanbazen tarfae dil kis
dil nasheenas wann salaam

Dil pareshaan —–

Written by Janbaz Kishtawari


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