The Peasant Girl by Ghulam Ahmad Mahjoor

Poshivunyi baagüch poshi gworidäriye
Greesy koory naazneen swondäriye
Sworgüch Heemaäly Kaafuch pariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondäriye

Bouquet from Beauty’s everlasting garden,
Heemal of Heaven or Caucasian fairy —
O peasant girl, what grace ! what beauty !

Aasaad vanachee poshe thariye
Mushka suuty toory kamee bariye
Sath rang bakhshee kâmee rangâriye
Crreesy koory naazneen swondariye

Flowering plant in the woodland of freedom,
who filled your buds with fragrance ?
whose brush painted you in gorgeous rainbow hues ?

Syód saada jaama chhee shaama swondariye
Na zi chhee gota nay z:ariye
Kaatsa zoonyi zan chhi kaala óbruky thariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondàviye

Exquisite beauty, how simple is yoour attire,
With neither flashy border nor brocade !
O briight kartik moon, draped in black clouds !

Neeran pheraan chhakhay shaah pariye
Goshan kar havaa khoriye
Poshan vyoor hyath vasee tulariye
Greesy kooi’y naazneen swondariye

Queen of the fairies, you roam in freedom
In glens and fragrant bowers,
Like a honey bee gathering pollen.

Yaahoo karaan neree kotàriye
Baagan pheree ranga tsàriye
Naaga sabzaarüch baaga babariye
Greegy koory naazneen swondariye

With song on your lips, O bright song bird,
You glide among flowers, scattering fragrance
Like sweet basil leaves growing wild on green banks.

Vanavaan draayakh pyath thazàriye
Viginyav shaabaash kariye
Changa saaz vaayaan chhakhay didariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondúriye

I heard you singing on the heights
Like one playing on a harp in ecstacy,
And the fairies clapped their hands in joy

Tsè ta khwojabaayan chhaa baraabriye
Tsè gulan suuty dilbariye
khwojabaayi tròparith daari ta bariye
Greesy ktoory naasneen swondàriye

What gulfs between you and high born dames !
You are the soul of freedom arid flowers
And the dames languish in shuttered prisons.

Roshi roshi draayakh baaga andàriye
Poshav kan tsé maa bàriye
Bulbul kàrythakh kàly tay zàriye
Greesy lioory naasneen swondúriye

when you entered the garden — O what coy grace ! —
What did the flowers whisper to you ?
You’ve robbed the bulbuls of their speech.

Gahna kanyi posh ehhee tanyi jary jariye
Garmuty kamee zargâriye
Paary lâgyzi ath kaarygariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondñriye

You wear no jewels, but your lovely skin
Sparkles with millions of them !
Glory to the j eweller who wrought this miracle !

Royas chaanis may paykariye
Aab-o-rang chhuna baazaariye
Moyas maa chhay phaliluch tariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondariye

Your hair, innocent of purchased scents,
Frames a lace whence hows such heady wine
As for its hue and power has no compeer.

Hayahuki aafia chhay chashma bary bariye
Gaaratuch chhay dilaavariye
Sharmi chaanyi hoorav taareeph kariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondariye

O those gushing springs of bashfulness !
The houris envy your grace, and yet
You’re framed in virtue, strong-souled maiden.

Daji pyath vuchhmakh thod ladith nariye
Loto karaan lolariye
Nari maa losay tsoor kary kariye
Greesy koory naazneen gwondariye

I saw you working in the field,
Yours sleeves rolled up, singing a love song —
O what rough work for those delicate arms !

Guma hatsa shoobaan buma vanjariye
Chhi karaan gaarat gariye
Hyas yinay raavee mas malariye
Greesy koory naazneen swondñriye

O the loneliness of those sweat-soaked arched eyebrows !
How many are the hearts that it has slain !
0 urn full of wine, beware your own drink!

B ulhavas may laag guli paykariye
Aalutsh yuth nay aavariye
Chika chaav panunuy yinay raavariye
Greedy koory naazneen swondariye

Flower among fairies, let not the primrose path tempt you !
Flay you escape the deadly embrace of sloth
And the wayward doom or unbridled desire !



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  1. Ess Kay

    May 23, 2023 at 4:11 pm

    Yi goutch kashiris rasmul khayas Manz aasun

  2. Ess Kay

    May 23, 2023 at 4:13 pm

    Yi goutch kashiris rasmul khatas Manz aasun

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