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Ha fakiro myani janglech layyi chheyo maar kaerthas myani janglech payyi chheyo

Deedaras chhas bae praaran raat doh zulfi konkul chhith cey traevimeti yakso chashm e badaaman henz draeyii chheyo

ha fakiro —- maar kaerthas—-

kati aasaan chhuyi cey thhikaan toori emy saayi kartam ceyi kunuy saejda dimy aastanan masjidan manz suyi chhuiyo

Ha fakiro—– maar kaerthas —

daedi ladh paanas mey gaemeti chhim sorakh chaani bapat chhas divaan baddi baddi veydaakh meyi traevith wopran henz layyi chheyo

ha fakiro —- maar kaerthas —-

Mushk e ambar chhukh malaan ath royi saeyi mushk e adfar chhukh malaan ath royi saeyi aab e kousar tannenavun ho chhuiyo

ha fakiro —- maar kaerthas —-


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