Katyu chukh nundh bane
walo mashook miyane
Mei korui na chanai chanai
walo mashook miyane

Sharabik pyaleh bharyoo,
Gulaban maale karyo.
Sharabik pyaleh bharyoo,
Gulaban maale karyo.
Pagah ya kael maryo,
Walo mashook miyane.
Pagah ya kael maryo,
walo mashook miyane
walo mashook miyane

Katyu chukh nundh bane
walo mashook miyane
Mei korui na chanai chanai
walo mashook miyane

Bah surat chukh cze parii,cze shoobi jaamai zarri
Bah surat chukh cze parii,cze shoobi jaamai zarri.
Kamov taweezei kareii,
walo mashook miyane.
Kamov taweezei kareii,
walo mashook miyane.

Katyu chukh nundh bane
walo mashook miyane
Mei korui na chanai chanai
walo mashook miyane

Wasakh nah yaare bhali,
Chalai nah khoreh phalai.
Wasakh nah yaare bhali,
Chalai nah khoreh phalai.
Mei na zanh yeim dhaag czalai,
walo mashook miyane
Mei na zanh yeim dhaag czalai,
walo mashook miyane

Czei chukh na husni kamaal
mei hawtham jaane jaamaal,
Gamikh neil kalle shahmaar
walo mashook miyane.

Katyu chukh nundh bane
walo mashook miyane
Mei korui na chanai chanai
walo mashook miyane



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  1. Arsalan

    January 15, 2017 at 3:30 am

    Loved it… Grt help for those who R weak in kashmiri…

  2. syed

    June 4, 2020 at 3:53 pm

    please provide english translation

  3. Ajay Koul

    November 4, 2020 at 7:29 am

    Dear Sir, this song is said to have 16 stanzas some of the different stanzas are also sung by legendary Rashid Jehangir Sahab.
    Can you kindly post the full song.

  4. Vaani jad

    April 28, 2022 at 3:05 pm

    This a a very grt and nice song … Katyu chuckk nund bannee walo masuk nayne i like this line so much ..i sing this all the time i love it and i am kashmiri i am in 6th class and i know how to talk in kashmiri my friends and i talk in Kashmiri sometimes

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