Kenh Draaw Na Wariyan Retan
Satha yeten satha huten
Banjor hyu fyorus watan

Satha yeten satha huten

Kuni ha haavsan henz posh lanji pethh pol thhehryovuy nae zanh
teymi haari kaeri waara jatan
Satha yeten satha huten
Banjor hyu fyorus watan
Kenh Draaw Na Wariyan Retan

Chhus khaak ty khaakaeyi gaschheym zaenith bae chhus beyi thapae divan
Chhus ghar banavaan meytchi gatan
Satha yeten satha huten
Banjor hyu fyorus watan
Kenh Draaw Na Wariyan Retan

Chhun payyi pata rehmat panun kati subuh foll kati shaam gov
Yeti ha raath laeji suyi gov watan
Satha yeten satha huten
Banjor hyu fyorus watan
Kenh Draaw Na Wariyan Retan

Lyricist: Rehmat Ali Rehmat



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