Korum chain lolan ye dil paar paarai
Katyu yaar tchharyy bae kati yaar tchhary
Yitam akh shaba seenae maetchrith bae haawy
Khaetith chha cey nish bae bas pesh thaavy
Yitam beyi dobaary mey tchalhem gubaary

Katyu yaar —-
Korum chaeni —-

Yitam akh shaba seenae maechrith bae haawy
Tchey nish chha khaetith kenh bae bas pesh thaavy
Yinyy chaani janaan mey eehem karaaryyi

katyu yaar —-

korum chaani —-

Ye dil nith kareni kya dagaeyi rava chha
Banaevith panun bewafaeyi rava chha
Rava chha banaevith karun lurpaary

katyu yaar —-
korum chaeni ——
korum chaeni —-




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