Baàzy kúrithUy tsòlkhaa baüzygaaro ho
navbahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
How very soon after conjuring
A vision so sweet, you left, 0 wizard !
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon yaavun khasavun haar shraavun
Jalva haavun ta aalam tambalaavun
Bosh poshan rood dóh taaro ho
nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
How like high midsummer was my youth,
Tempting the world with lifted veil !
But alas, the blossoms remained for a day !
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon lwokachaar vanakuy os divdaar
Labi dàriyaa chhaavaan taaza sabzaar
mato tsattam haa tabardaaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
It was like a cedar in the forest
Enjoying the river banlt’s pubescent green.
Cut it not down, O stern woodman !
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon lwokachaaro joshdaar kaayur naar
Shola maaraan khoonlthaar zoraavaar
Josh soryom tsheta gom naaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaan lwokachaaro ho
It was like the blazing pine-wood fire,
Showering sparks with tongues of flame.
Spent is its force, the fire is out.
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon lwokachaar khaabaah os mazadaar
khyom aphsoos yaamat gos bedaar
Tee bu vuchhahaa beyi dubaaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
My youth was only a dream so sweet
That my grief was great when it was gone.
O could I dream that dream again !
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon lwokachaar baaguk jaanaavaar
Poshi lanji pyath bolaan lthwosh guftaar
Teer mo laay meeri shilkaaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaan lwokachaaro ho
It was a sweet-throated bird in the garden,
Singing perched on a flowering bough.
Do not aim your arrow, O hunter king
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon lwokachaar sholavun os gulzaar
Suli phòIymuty aasy tath gtili anaar
Vaava hardunyi gos loora paaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
It was a garden aflame with the colour
Of the bright red blossoms of pomegranates.
But the autumn wind destroyed the bloom.
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Myon lwokachaar tsalavun aabi Ràmby aar
Gav neerith pheerith yun chhu dushvaar
Kwolaraadan dód yi sabzaaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
It was like the hurrying waters of Rambi stream
Which rushes down, but can’t come back
Even though the grass on the banks may wither.
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Graay karițhüy tsòl me yaavan raay
Laay roozûsna hiyi tanyi traavnam haay
Yiyi naa bóyi haavi deedaaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
I stand forsaken by the Lord of Youth,
And soot has covered way jessamine frame.
fly eyes starve to see him again.
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Chhas Zulaykhaa vati pyațh laãgith maay
Shaahi Yoosuf yiyiija a yaavan raay
Bóyi aki lați gatshi milatsaaro ho
Nav bahaaro myaani lwokachaaro ho
I am the forlorn zuleika on the road,
My love, Yousef’s footfall awaiting.
I yearn to meet him once again !
Life’s spring time, o my youth
Lyrics by Trilokinath Raina
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