Madano pardeh royas tul
be lagay’e dard’hetay gul
t’che mo’laag bewafa bilkul
be lagay’e dard’hetay gul
madano pardeh royas tul

Beloved lift that veil off your face
love ached
I want to offer you a flower
You don’t play
a compete unfaithful
I want to offer you a flower
Beloved lift that veil off your face

walo maya’ne kaal bomburoo
at’chan hind gash ta’ey nooro
sula yamberzal my’oz’tul
be lagay’e dard’hetay gul
t’che mo’laag bewafa bilkul
be lagay’e dard’hetay gul
madano pardeh royas tul

Come my black bumblebee
light of my eyes and my sight
A narcissus I picked, earlier
I want to offer you a flower
You don’t play
a compete unfaithful
I want to offer you a flower
Beloved lift that veil off your face

walo maya’ne lockcharo ve
zolvin nov bahaaro ve
dama chu maar vyun’chay sul
be lagay’e dard’hetay gul
madano pardeh royas tul

Come my Childhood
swarming new spring
a sip of wine remains
there is still some time
I want to offer you a flower
Beloved lift that veil off your face



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