Mashraw thas janaan che kar yaad peymy bau
Chhukh azzae wafa beygaan ceh kar yaad peymy bau
Dardil kareymy jaayi maethhaey maayi nigaaro
Kaabaaes mey gov butae khaan ceh kar yaad peymy bau
Mashraevtha jaanaan ——
Bazaar misraes manz gayas
ha maarae zulikha
Aey yousuf e kannaan ceh kar yaad peymy bau
Mashraevthas jaanaan
Akh jalwae haeyith aashiqan falwaa ceh kaerith gokh
Chhuy aalma deywaan ceh kar yaad peymy bau
Mashraevthas jaanan——-
Mashraevthas jaanaan



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  1. Har

    August 26, 2021 at 5:30 pm

    This poem’s connection goes back to Jammu genocide. Apparently Rasa Javedani wrote this for her sister whose husband, a professor was killed in the event in Jammu.

  2. Asma

    May 16, 2023 at 2:36 pm

    such a beautiful gazal…thank you for preserving the lyrics.

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