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Mei sa ghaer waajin tsetha taeng karaan
Repeat chorus
Taenge karaan bei wapus wothaan
Mei sa ghaer waajin tsetha taeng karaan( chorus)
Mei sa ghaere waajin tsetha taeng karaan
Mei detay baete moend, mehei goev tchaer
Repeat chorus
Behei chus Onmut Afsarun zaer
Repeat chorus
Ore chum wapas filmi gywaan
Mei sa ghaere waajin tsetha taeng karaan
Papa meha gaese toental bhooth
Repeat chorus
Dafa gasu raente phaeleh ba ha karey shoot
Repeat chorus
Magar ander chum wareyeh sar sar gasaan
Mei sa ghaere waajin tsetha taeng karaan
Dile kin saaf te zabaane kin taez
Repeat chorus
Mehsa gaese aasun kurse te maez
Repeat chorus
Taeth peth bei aase khaane khewaan
Mei sa ghaer waajin tsetha taeng karaan
Kah peen gaeyus bei toete chum maeng
Repeat chorus
Shuer ratcheth aayes bei wareyeh taeng
Repeat chorus
Waher waher shur aakh aakh zuraan
Mei sa ghaer waajin tsetha taeng karaan


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Storing lyrics and make them readily available costs us a lot. Support our cause of making Kashmiri lyrics available freely to public, by donating a small amount Donate here

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