Mey khaabas manz kaerith bedaar wesiye
sana kout goum mey traevith su yaar wesiye

mey daadey chaani osum seenae doudmut
tchey zoluth waar aeshqeni naar wesiye
sana kout —-

mey khabas —–

pareshan zulfae traemech myaeni yaaran
mey baasan shaamkuyi anhaar wesiye
sana kout ——

mey khaabas —–

Tchey gaeran saethi thaeveth aeshnaeyee
pazya lolas karun bapaar wesiye
sana kout —

mey khabas —-

ziya faeriyad kaerizem zaat e pakas
su bakhshan chhuy su bakhshan haar wesiye
sana kout —-

mey khaabas —-



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