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Mouji jigrech dagh lochraavo
assi kar aalav ghar gaschhov

chaenis navas tanni maechraavo
assi kar aalav—–

yeth kani chha zanh koren tae gobran thaavan hankal barneyn taeri
aesi ma yath shoras manz raavo
assi kar —-

mouji jigrech —-

astaanan peythh aalav karhov
Tulmul gaschhav bey laaraan
watae lolaech bey sarr karnavav
assi kar aalav —-

mouji jigrech —–

Dal ma aasem tan peythh tchharaan
weyth maa aasem laaran yoori
chashmashahi ma wadnavov
assi kar —-

mouji —–

bey gaschhaev aesi noshi koren nish
beyi karhaev aesi heyrath saal
beyi eezan peythh rouf karnavav
assi kar —-

mouji jigrech —-

baedi doh karhaev yikvat saeree
havov bavov raetchar pathh
asuna gindna panwaeni thaavo
Assi kar —-

mouji jigrech —–

chaenis naavas peythh aesi sheyda
mouji kasheeri wandyaeyi jaan
kaetis kalas dooreyr thaavo
assi kar —-

mouji jigrech


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