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Myon taqdeer roodah baalan tchhayi tayi
cholmy rooshith waayi yaawan raavi tayi

haayi dilbaro kyazi laejithasa sarri rah
ta paasi lillah wanta yaaro kya mey rah
myaeni zindagi kaerith goukh na zaayi tayi

myon taqdeer—-
cholmy rooshith—-

govukh traevith loothh kaerithy yath dilas
zazur chaenith govkha bagh kis yath gulas
luk paaman kyazi thaevtham jaayi tayi

myon taqdeer—-
cholum traevith—–

waayi mey kaeritham paarae jigras dilbaro
gayes falva myani jigro kya karo
myani dilbaro mey na mashi chaeni maayi tayi

myon taqdeer—
cholham roshith–

chaeni lolan waar thaevnass baeyi haerith
pitch paary govkha dilbar meyi kaerith
zakham aeshqeni kass altaf haavi tayi-

myon taqdeer—-
cholum roshith —


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