Tse Kus Be Kus Teli Wan su Kus
Who are you and who am I, please tell me who is he the creator that permeates through both you and I
Moh Batuk Loguum Deg
Each day I feed my senses/body with the food of worldly attachment and material love (Moh = attraction)
Shwas Khich Khich Wang-mayam
For when the breath that I take in reaches the point of absolute purification (Shwas = Breath)
Bhruman daras Poyun chokum
It feels like my mind is bathing in the water of divine love (Bhruman = nerve center in the human brain, poyun = water, chokum=sprinkle)
Tekis Takya bane Tyuk
Then I know I am like that sandal wood which is pasted for divine fragrance symbolic of universal divinity. Finally I realize that I am, indeed, divine (Tyuk = Tika applied on the forehead)
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