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kyazie chuk zehlaan poshmaal panie panaas
neendir chuk zehlaal patie panie panaas
asuluk chu wadaan panie panaas
kyazie chuk zehlaan poshmaal panie panaas

khabar katie khayalas manz chuk cheh ruzaan
katie chuk hasaan zindagi manz dazaan
aaz chek luk gindaan panie panaas
kyazie chuk zehlaan poshmaal panie panaas

behkhayali tei pareshaani cheh marmetie luk
nazrei baad tei aazrunei cheh marmetie luk
mohabbat tei sharafat cheh zehlaan panie panaas
kyazie chuk zehlaan poshmaal panie panaas

lukchaar husei mohabbatuk nishan akkh
zindagi gaayie fana gulzaras manz
aaz nah roud nah lukaan sharafatuk zaman panie panaas
kyazie chuk zehlaan poshmaal panie panaas


  1. Jasir Qadri

    February 12, 2022 at 9:05 am

    Lyrics have been submitted by Jasir Qadri.
    Kindly mention author name.

  2. Jasir Qadri

    February 20, 2022 at 11:32 am

    Kindly mention the author of this

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