Lyrics by Mahjoor
Kesana badlov soun taqdeer
Who has altered our destiny?
( Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Bandagi moklaye yi zindagi pheraye
Slavery has ended, life has changed
( Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Shongmich basti kamo wuznav
Who awakened the slumbering folk?
Azad gashnich wath kamo hav
Who made them walk in freedoms path?
Kami sund vajudan zinda kor kasheer?
Who by myself revived Kashmir?
( Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Yeli wuch bagan sontuk waw
When the garden sensed the advent of spring
Hokhmatyen gulan beye bamun aw
The dry flower buds began blossoming
Ehandyan alwan che sai taseer
This has come from his earnest plaints
( Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Budsha hun razdahni gazchi veran
The capital of Budshah’s capital will be ruined
Tati wati mardealeshaan
A great man will arise and revive it again
Ath khabas nineviv az tabeer
This prophecy is today fulfilled
( Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – KashmirGayi tre hath akh eth wari aztaam
It is three hundred sixty one years till today
Aes aaes paermev banevmith ghulam
Since outsiders made us slaves
Kem czeth ghulami henz zanjeer
Who broke our shackles and chains?
( Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Van vaesi koehi zor kangaal
The mountain dwellers, destitute thieves
kem sindi ahar saeth gayi paamaal
By whose efforts were the vanquished ?
Aed czael aed gael aed gayi aseer
Some fled, some were killed and some were prisoners
( By Our)Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Kaem dieet kaeshiraen beeyi hathiyaar
Who made the Kashmir’s take up arms again?
Buzdil kaem banaeviv zorvaar
Who made the cowards valiant, brave?
Nov kasheer kaem sana kaer taameeer
Who constructed, new Kashmir?
Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
Kaem tuol thoud yem pather paemitei
Who made the fallen rise again?
Mundchaevmithi gamtei ti guzremiti
The crestfallen and hopeless folk?
Yi hatav kaemi banov waqtuk wazeer
Who made the hatav an Honorable minister?
Qaid-a-Azam, Sher-e – Kashmir
English translation by Syed Taffazul Hussain
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