Rah Bakshtam Ser Parvardaigaro

May the Benvlent God forgive give all my sins

Tsche kyoho waatiyo myani marnai

What will you gain with my death.

Separ Treh mar parma ki ano, pher na kuni gom zere zabre, ashqun khat kansi por na yakhbaro, Rah Bakshtam Ser

What will you gain with my death.”I committed thirty ‘Siparas’ of the Holy Quran to memory in a single sitting, faithfully adhering to the diacritical intonations; yet the valentine punctuated with love could not be read with such facile speed.

Hyena Bu aaya dyen kyoho baryo

Deep enmaeshed, I drag my days

Ven kuy rang gom khaasa babare

A lush green basil fading away

Loli soi thovtham lalvun naaro

With the fire of smouldering within



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  1. Umar Shah

    March 10, 2020 at 3:51 am

    Translation is absolutely fantastic.

  2. Asmat Ashai

    February 6, 2021 at 10:14 pm

    Whose Kalaam is this?

  3. Intizaar Mehdi

    June 18, 2021 at 1:11 pm

    Habba khatoon

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