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Sakhiyav ruthum hai ruthum hai gaseth buthumai gamanai
Sakhiyav ruthum hai ruthum hai gaseth buthumai gamanai

Tarakh mandla dramutei
zoonei nadae aamutae
Tarakh mandla dramutei
zoonei nadae aamutae
Shroen shroen karas ronai damanai
Bi chakh demno jaamnei
Sakhiyav ruthum hai ruthum hai gaseth buthumai gamanai
Shroen shroen karas ronai damanai,Bi chakh demno jaamnei
Sakhiyav ruthum hai ruthum hai gaseth buthumai gamanai

Baaleh paeth naadh layesai,
Bei sooze seith taar wayesei
Baaleh paeth naadh layesai,
Bei sooze seith taar wayesei
Rovei karo subai shaamnai,
bei chakh deim nah jamnei
Sakhiyav ruthum hai ruthum hai gaseth buthumai gamanai
Rovei karo subai shaamnai,
bei chakh deim nah jamnei

Saendhe talleh naav si,
bei seer panuni bhaav sai,
zool-e karo raange naavenei
bei chakh deim nah jamnei
Sakhiyav ruthum hai ruthum hai gaseth buthumai gamanai
zool-e karo raange naavenei


  1. Ashok Dullu

    July 14, 2023 at 10:32 pm

    Who has written the lyrics of this song?

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