Trou thas bi kyazi sar e rah
wadnovthas azmovthas tadpovthas kunov chhi aar tchey yivaan
Temis ha dilazaras matti ha bae paan khaaras
fida korum mey zoov tae jaan
wadnovthas azmovthas——
trou thas—
chashmov bae khoon haaraan doh raath tcheyi bae praraan
danji nov mey dil chhi rozaan
Wadnovthas azmovthas—-
trou thas—-
Chhuyi tchey sawaal e khuda yenov mey gaschak juda
bah maary pannuyi paan,
wadnovthas azmovthas—-
trou thas—-
chhuyi cey shahzad chhandaan,bas chhuyi su ceyi pethh maraan
Rozayi bae waensi praraan
wadnovthas azmovthas—-
trou thas —-



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