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Tuli thy naqaab royas myaney gulaab yikhna
Chhum choun intizaary myaney nawaab yikhna
dilsy mey akh tamana thovmut mey chon yaaro
wuchh hy bae aki lattey bas folvun shabaab yikhna
chhum choun—–
tuli thy,—–
tim nov lafaz mey samnyi wann ha bae doud pannuyi
chhim kaeti zakham mey aendri kartakh hisaab yikhna
chhum choun —–
tuli thy—–
ashqan mey chaeni kotah thovmut chhu soor kaerithy
gaemech bae daadi chaaney kaechaa kharaab yikhna
chhum choun —-.
tuli thy—-
yeti thov mey paan wathrith zanh nov timov watov draakh
grazvun mey darbadan chhum wuchh iztiraab yikhna
chhum choun —–
tuli thy’—–
praraan mey lousae cheshmayi tchharaan makaam chounuyi
chum koot amaar chounuyi wal la jawaab yikhna
chhum choun —-
tuli thy—–
chaani mokh mey mas sharabuk baeri baeri thovmut chhu pyaalan
tashny bae haal thaevthas waeni aaftaab yikhna
chhum choun——
tuli thy—–


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