Chon pakanoi parzanovmay duriye.

Wolay kosturiye par mai trav neeriye.

l have recognized your footfalls from afar.

Come, my love, do not stroll around idly.

Suli wathithay cheer draykhay kathas,

Badnam korthas khanabal kis ghathas.

Katha ka zalith nar goviye sooriye,

WALAI KASTOORIYE par mai trav neeriye.

After rising early, you were late in gathering wood,

And this gave me a bad name at Khanabal ghat.

The wood burnt, the fire turned it into ashes.

Come, my love, do not stroll around idly.

Kot Khat ashak chon wuchhney hiyi pan,

mat gay bulbul soz chonuy bozan.

Tot nar ashkum pyokh zan lavi mooriye,

WALAI KASTOORIYE par mai trav neeriye.

To great lengths the lovers have gone to see your jasmine body

The bulbuls have gone insane, hearing your melody,

As if the embers have fallen on dry, tender wood.

Come, my love, do not stroll around idly.

Ver nagay neryé ba agiye,

Achhaval ki posh sharey lagiye.

Grayi  marann kot gachhakh kan duriye,

WALAI KASTOORIYE par mai trav neeriye.

I will leave Vernag early to attend to you

And adorn you with howers from Acchhabal.

Swaying, where are you going my kanu dyriye?”

Come, my loye, do not stroll around idly.

Hiyi panas mol thovye zatan,

k0t chhakh gachhan wananay jahatam

yor yikhna lol chhum chon mooriye,

WALAI KASTOORIYE par mai trav neeriye.

The Almighty has made your jasmine body priceless.

In different directions you are going without letting anyone know where.

Won’t you come to me? I long for you, Come, my love. do not stroll around idly.

Navi namas peth ham ta khor chhakh vayan,

Yim nay ashkan tiri michgan layan.

Ham goy abas nam rathatay yuriye,

WALAI KASTOORIYE par mai trav neeriye.

At the end of the boat. revving with an oar,

You are casting arrows at your lovers.

Arter losing the our in water”, come to this bank.

Come my love, do not stroll around idly.

Mattan wudre haka san chhakh khasan

tikka dar qasabas grayi chhakhay maran

konkul mastras mokhta shubiye juriye

Wolay kosturiye par mai trav neeriye.

Walking briskly on the mattan wudar

You are swaying your ornamented head dress.

Your curly hair deserves pearls in pairs.

Come, my love, do not stroll around idly

Gacchi Kuthinay vatharavith thaviye,

lacchi hal panun baviye

wacchi manzlis manz rachhath acchi nuriye

Wolay kosturiye par mai trav neeriye.

Rooms with decorative surfaced walls I will furnish for you,

and relate my state to the Almighty with Myraid names.

I will protect you, the light of my eyes, in the cradle of my heart.

Come, my love, do not stroll around the idly


Chhay desshiith Raul Miran zanikhay

qad sanobar sarobala manikhay

day yeli di tai dekha panumuy puriye

Wolay kosturiye par mai trav neeriye.

Rasul Mir has recognized you by the shadow

Looking elegant with the height of snobar.

Lucky favours those on whom God bestows it.

Come, my love, do not stroll around the idly



Added by

Nabeena Nabi


  1. Uzma

    October 13, 2021 at 6:29 pm

    What a beautiful composition.
    Rasool Mir was a gifted poet and his incomplete love has led him to perfection in his art ❤️

  2. Danish

    May 23, 2022 at 9:06 am

    Kan duriye has been misinterpreted. It is name of a location nearby Achabal. Poet is talking about that location.

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