wala wala mahraazo
lael chheya praarano, lael chheya praarano

Lael tayi majnoon ,jori aesi barabar
lali haendi majnoono ,lael chheya praarano
lael cheya—

Wala wala—

zoon tayi aaftaab ,jori aesi barabar
zooni haendi mahtaabo,lael cheya praarano
lael cheya—

wala wala—

bombaer tayi yaembarzal ,jori aesi barabar
maaji haendi khanmaalyo lael chheya praarano
lael cheya–

wala wala—

Sheereen tae farhad jori aesi barabar
sheereneni farhado lael chheya praarano
lael chheya —

wala wala —




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