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Maar-e mat-e yaar maar kaerthas,
myonai Khayal karzehai

Aareh rostui teer loytham,
Aareh paareh mehha korthum,
Bey aaroo seen dormay,
Czei myonau haal weichzehai
Maar-e mat-e yaar maar kaerthas,
myonai Khayal karzehai

Roshei roshei kyazei czolham,
Wanei kussu czei mannaway
Be ha yaaro lachar gamez
Czei myonei malal traevzehai
Maar-e mat-e yaar maar kaerthas,
myonai Khayal karzehai

Myaasa qabeel prron trovem,
Czei pateh yaaro paan morum,
Myanei mohabbatas taath yaaro,
Che akh nazar kaal dei zeiha
Maar-e mat-e yaar maar kaerthas,
myonai Khayal karzehai

Gulaab royas rang badlyom,
Toouth yaawun mei ha soryum
Myanes bhaagas bhaagwano
Akh zaara sakh dei zehaa
Maar-e mat-e yaar maar kaerthas,
myonai Khayal karzehai

Haftchinar maqboolan naav lekhnai
tath manz cheyi graav lechnayi
Khoon panayi seeth alfaz lekhnayi
Lole saan chi parzehee
Maar-e mat-e yaar maar kaerthas,
myonai Khayal karzehai


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