Jaan wandiyo, haa be paan wandiyo,
Zuv te jaan wandaye myan peer o tai lo
Panun paan wandaye myani peero tai lo
Tani goomo rabab, ragan gayem taaraye
Zeer bum thov tham, peer o tai lo
Bade dale manzbaag, taraan wuchmak
Hazrat bal ke noor o tai lo
Chuy sawaal e Nabi, tati muqlay zeam
Yeti aasi aalam geer o tai lo
Ath khazear kulis tal, nayender ma tche paiyoo,
Betaal gatcha myani peero tai lo
Pompur ne gath, kaer sopuri raheeman,
Rahimukuy sozan geero tai lo
Jaan Wandiyo, Haa be paan wandiyo
Zuv Te Jaan Wandaye myan peer o tai lo
Panun paan wandaye myani peero tai lo


From Kaesher Khander Baeth book by Samina Masoodi




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