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Malale travith tse sala yikh na
Bae pyale mase ki baray ha lalo
Khyaei chanay mey dil chu toshan
Bae maale poshan karay ha lalo

Naseemae boozum tche baalae daameni
kamand heyth chhukh shikaar tchhaaraan
bae shokae chaaney shikaar andar panun
ye sar heyth tarayi ha laalo

Chi jal te kastoor soze myani
firaake chyanuk yi saaz wayan
Yi zeere bam tche kus boznawyi
Baeb baal yodway maray ha lalo
Malale travith tse sala yikh na….

Bae shraavnechi hee foujis wanan manz wuchhan roozaes bae neybae chaaney
wuchhuth nae haaruk bahaar myonuyi woni waave hardaeni harayi ha laalo

Tse sayi roodukh, bae zayi kerthas
Rotuth malalay, wonuy tche kaem kyah
Bae neyari tche path karan gadayi
Bae no judayi zaray ha lalo
Malale travith tse sala yikh na….

Mae chuni sombraway khooni dil che
Rachan roozes, bae raet raatus
Thawiv sambalith nishan baapath
Yimi tche naalas jaray ha lalo
Malale travith tse sala yikh na…

Bae neyr naeni paethhi baavae lookan kasaendi amaaran mey zaeji han han
na khoutche paaman kathan woulaaman na kaansi shatras darayi ha laalo

Gaemetch yembarzal firaak chhaevith dubaar aayas bae lolae chaaney
wandayi aechhan hund bae gaash paadan dubaar lolah barayi ha laalo

wanaan Mehjoor tche roshi yikhna damah beheykhna katha karakhna
bae paanae shaahanae saaz waaye taraanae naevi naevi parayi ha laalo


  1. Waqas Rashid

    December 15, 2020 at 5:16 am

    Can you please translate this into English?

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