Roz roz boz mein zaar madno
Daadiey (In original composition its Lola not daadiey) chaaniey chayaa beymaar madno
Stop, stem, impede and listen, The torment that pursues
The affliction is you, the pain imbues
Katche zoon gaejthas, safraes laejthas
Tchaurmakh gaame shahar madno
The moon I resemble, Treaded have I an assured death
Have sought you for ages, In dreams and breath
Yaar daud krooth pyaum, shuir paan zaaiye gaum
Tche patte rowum laukchaar madno
Your dodge proved dire, My credulity turned mire
The cradle crunch lost in the burning pyre
Bagich yamberzal wan posh ti maswal
Padan karhai nisar madno
Ishaar hawaan, dil katraawaan
Bhumbe chai tez talwaar madno
Through cues, you draw the arcs of pain
Brows you have that pierce me insane
Tche myon ghamkhaar, tche myon sitamgaar
Tche chauk, tche haa bulgaar madno
It’s you who heals, It’s you who wreaks
The wounds are yours, The wraps for sure
Khoon goum jari aoussh har hari
Phali phali goum movkhath hari madano
Nazre chaaniey seeith, beymaar balaiey keeith
Myaane weeizi loguth be aar madno
Eyes that ease the grief of scores
Failed me, Couldn’t wade me to the shores
Chasme chani maskha deshith gaye vadiy
Bengial judugar madno
Wanihaa mahjoor daastaane dil zaroor
Wanas ti chui naa tas waar madno
I wish to recount the tales of sting
Something that nips and I fail to bring
March 30, 2022 at 5:55 pm
Incorrect translation. Translator has unnecessarily used poetic cliches and sacrificed lyrical translation. Very bad.