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Mummy ye me rov Hilale Bilale
Tas hai gov malale moeneyay
Mummy yei me rov Hilale Bilale
Tas hai gov malale moeneyay
Tas hai gov malale moeneyay
Tas hai gov malale aantun su saale
Tas hai gov malale moeneyay

Chithe leknav me
Daftar traeymey
Taete he afsar, su ney moen Bilale
Tas hai gov malale moene yai

Shabash gavan waele,
Shabasha… chorus
Shabasha baenen baiyen
Shabasha… chorus
Shabash daddy jaanus,
Shabasha… chorus
Shabash bei jaanus,
Shabasha… chorus
Shabash mummy janus,
Shabasha… chorus

Baha baryo badaan chande lo lo
Mummy ye me yai rov Hilale Bilale
Taa hai gov malale moeneyay
Tas hai gov malale moeneyay
Tas hai gov malale moeneyay…

From Kaesher Khander Baeth book by Samina Masoodi


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