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Meine mummyay mayne nairne yene aasakh wadan
Yele tche phairee tele aazen daddy jaan sozenstu
Tsu ne mane tele aaseze telegram sozan
Meine mummyay maine nairne yene aasakh wadan

Yele tche phairee tele aazen chacha ji sozenstu
Tsu ne mane tele aaseze telephone karan
Meine mummyay maine nairne yene aasakh wadan

Yele tche phairee tele aazem mama ji sozan
Tsu ne mane tele aaseze akhbaarus dewan
Meine mummyay maine nairne yene aasakh wadan

Yele tche phairee tele aazem brother ji sozan
Tsu ne mane tele aaseze khaete naam lekhan
Meine mummyay maine nairne yene aasakh wadan

From Kaesher Khander Baeth book by Samina Masoodi


  1. Ayushi Raina

    November 2, 2020 at 1:49 pm

    Please publish Bai kotuy gomut baazar

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