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Roshi roshi chhukh tchalaan paayi kar myon
bae nov zar madno dooreyr choun

paeri paeri lagyo wandyo kroun
bae nov —

aalvan myanen chhun taeseer
Chaani mil tchaaruk kya chhu tadbeer
Wantov kith paethhi sapakh myon
bae nov—

shokae chaani paanas karyom paeraav
madno adno hyot tham naav
zaayi gaem maenzi namm tae mahrin taun
bae nov—–

husun dam dame rang badlavun
lol prath rangae praznavun
posh aayi naevi naevi tae bulbul chhu proun
bae nov——

Rodum nae panas peythh yikhtiyar
Tas pat dil gaum yus chhu bey aar
zoravar pyoum azlayi loun
bae nov—-

aadnuk yaar gaum thaevith aamtav
kyah mey folraaveym soutuk aamtaav
dil chha poshi toor asnaavon
bae nov—-

Dil Mehjoor tayi chashm makhmoor
nakh nakh aesith chhi warah door
chashmov wuchh dilan dilbar zoun
bae nov —–


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