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kavo chhukh mey traevith tchalaan taathhi yaaro
Kavo chhukh tche wadas dalaan taathhi yaaro
waenith lolae guftaar tcheyti aar anhayi
tchey deyshith mey zeyv chham kalaan taathhi yaaro
Gaejim waarae han han mey amaarae chaaney
magar lol nov choun galaan taathhi yaaro
Wolukh maa tche yami aah e dardaeki gubaran
tavayi gum chhuyi buth chalaan taathhi yaaro
hakeem yas tche aasakh taemis mout kari kya
Su beymaar zanh nov balaan taathhi yaaro
chhi shahmaar geysov woulith naal dooran
yem aasan dodas manz palaan taathhi yaaro
Aki shakli folimaeti wuchhim saasae baedi posh
zae insaan hihee noor ralaan taathhi yaaro
chhi kar nundbaeni kaansi syoud royi haavaan
Tavayi aabae manz zoon alaan taathhi yaaro
chhu Mehjoor yodwayi wuchhaan nazneenan
teymis nov chhi dil tamblaan taathhi yaaro


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