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Wuchh mey kun yaar lagayi tchey paeri paerii
chaani amaarae gayas maarae bae praeri praeri
waari haendi posh yembarzal gul ti sumbal maswal
waari path waari lagaan chhi tchey paeri paerii
naar heyth aaw ye soz e jigar heyth bulbul
tchaayi dar bagh kaerith waarae tayaeri saeri
bram chhu kentchan tae chhi kenh mas gaemeti kenh hushyaar
fitnae kaeri paedaa aemi chaeshmi khumaeri saeri
kenh chhi paband nazar naeli chhi kentchan haankal
band kaerimeti chhi aeki pokhtae shikaeri saeri
poshi mout waati chaman wuchhni chhu bulbul toshaan
posh laegith chhi tavayi jaamae bahaeri saeri
baghvanas chhey nazar poshi thareyn peythh yaksaan
push wuchhum posh tulaan waarae chu tchaeri tchaeri
Kagzi posh banyaeyi lookh chhi timnaeyi laaraan
az chhi bulbul ti karaan shukur guzaeri saeri
lolae afsaanae chhu Mehjoor zabaan kar sheereen
dard nayi aasi karya naal o zaeri yaeri


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