Jalwae haevith door traevith tamblaevith tcholhamo
aar raes tayi yaarae lagyo khaarae thaevith tcholhamo
tchaakh myaenis lolae baagas draakh tahraaja kaerith
hosh nyutham rosh roshay posh chhaevith tcholhamo
Kolae rastyov doulae wuchhnan chaeni kornam haul mey
Satae waerishay lolae waenij kateraevith tcholhamo
saadae aeses wadae heyth mey ulfatuk soda korum
raezi thaevith baezi khyaevtham gaatae paevith tcholhamo

Maanereyni aeses tavayi bae lukae paaman laejithas
mandchaevith andh traevith paamae thaevith tcholhamo
keenae rout tham seenae tchot tham rouyi khout tham haantchelo
Chhundraevith tashnae thaevith pashenaevith tcholhamo
kaamae dyov naamae soozith paamae leychhi tham tath andar
haayi panni ney dastae moutun pyaalae chaevith tcholhamo
hee thaer zan barrae kaerthas lolae naar zaejithas
sosnaevith andhmazaras waatae naevith tcholhamo
door pyomut tchoori zann mehjoor tas yaaras wanaan
taathhi yaar aadnuk sreyh mashraevith tcholhamo



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