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Wantae hy weysii be-wafaeyi shaivay e dildar chha
Nazneenan mahjabeenan qatlae gaarath kaar cha

Jastae loyun nastae khanjar bastae gov darr khastae jaan
taig bazas razam sazas turktazas aar chha

Dilbaran lab shakran may e paikran gaarath garan
doori loyun hoori teera tchhori Thavnas waar chha

aey kamaan gar bar jigar loyuth zabar teer e doopar
teer e aatish baar zahr e maar samul alfaar chha

Chhis aveyzaan taab daamaan zahar tchaapaan qahrae saan
zulf e sumbul margae bulbul maar chha kulmaar chha

seenae sozan aashiqan dil shehlan yamath wuchhan
yem dupistaan ya sepistaan daaro e bemaar chha

tchhal kaerith tcholl tchoori haantchal waeni dimas pariye mahal
Badi dal chha tailbal chha baaga e shalamaar chha

chhas wadan zaelith badan rovum madan tchol sarhadan
prang chha ya dranng chha ya branng chha kuthaar chha

zaag heyth bartal ghazal waqtan baras alle alle karaan
tchoor chha makhmoor chha mehjoor khosh guftaar chha



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