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Dildaarae roz bae aeshqaeni safar wanayi
naeni paethhi wanayi saaf wanayi sar basar wanayi
wal bouz wanayi kya mey korum chaeni firaakan
roodaad e jism dil wanayi dard e jigar wanayi
yimha bae tcheynish paanae paneni daedi baavayi
Kar waar yiyem karov wuchhith ahwaal kar wanayi
din chaakh jaaman rang haraawan asun mashakh
yem chaeni sitam baag ken poshan agar wanayi
nishi naazneenan kyazi ravagir ye waezeeri
bulbul chhu wanaan shabnamas saatha thhaehar wanayi
natae wuchhi mey aeki saeyi sajdae karaan hinde tae musalmaan
ami khotae bae kya lolae key shahrech khabar wanayi
Doup tham tchey paeti mey aanae wann kya chhuyi tchey tamanna
khumaar heytov waarae mey kun kar nazar wanayi
kar chaarae waeli waeli maarae matyo myani jonoonuk
meyti chhuyi nae paanas taani bae ma woni naneyr wanayi
Mehjoor wanaan raayi chaaney tchhaayi thovuth paan
Dildaar chonuyi chonuyi chhum hawas bas mokhtasar wanayi


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