Walo laalae royo diluk daag baavayi
walo saalae mas pyaalae baeri baeri bae thaavayi
walo waade kaeri kaeri kaereth bewafaeyi
mothhuyi aadnuk sreyh woun kya yaad paavayi
walo touthh zoov chhum wandayi suyi tchey paadan
yethayi paethhi lolaa panun baegraavayi
walo lolae chashman mey chhum khoon jaerii
Raetith naalemati khoon matti khaarnavayi
khaetith paan thovuth tchaetith pardae neyrayi
baras tal panun paan maerith bae traavayi
tchey rous aarwalli doh guzaerim kandeyn peythh
daezes hardae bronh darde key aamtaavayi
waenith zaane kas chaeni lolan korum kya
yitam thaavtam kan paneni daedi baavayi
gulo myani aesh waani kaeri jaamae raengeen
Rangakh jaamae kaemi waane yodwayi bae raavayi
walo chhusnae Mehjoor athi lolae waaleyn
leykhith dardae sozeki ghazal sozenavayi



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