Saqiya aabaad rozin taa abad mayyi khaanae choun
aaftabeki paethhi prazlin dum badum payiman choun

Teyli labaekh nazdeek poshan jaayi gulzaras andar
Neyh gattu yelli poshi tharri tal rout kandyov daamaanae choun

chaani bumae mehrab e masjid royi choun rashk e sanam
Doun aechhan tal jalwae gar chhum kaab tayi but khaanae choun

Shaam tchhaaye waavae graaye poshi waethra pyov pathar
Paan zindayi zaalnuk wout ponpras parwaanae choun

yim zae youd baaham ralan ad koh alan sangar dalan
Dardae haeti yem myaeni aalav saaz tayi saamaanae choun

sarwae kujji peythh oul osum tratti lolechi kor fanaa
khaanae myon burbaad gov aabad aesin khaanae choun

jang manz marnuk tchyov yuha lolas andar har dum marun
jang khotayi zyaadae dardag pyov aashiqan yaaraanae choun

tchaer chhan panneyn tae pardeyn deendaran kaefiran
lolae waleyn saarinaeyi kyut wouth chhu dastarkhaanae choun

taazae gazla aav heyth Mehjoor kan daerith tche boz
noukti zaevil boznavaan gaatileyn deywaanae choun



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