Door roozith tchoori kaemi nyuv myon dil
yoori beyi aeniton myon nundboon dil

waalwashay zan chhu logmut bulbula
zulfae kis zaalas andar wuchhtoun dil

aashiqo doup dil chhu laal e be-baha
husnae bazaras andar moule won dil

Roy e mushaf zulf e kafir roobaro
wantae weysiye kor kun laagon dil

Doup mey yaaras myoun dil kartan qobool
tor doupnam lolae hout chunn choun dil

yaar daadey dil chhu tadpaan dumbadam
lol kis seenas andar lallwon dil

sheeshe dilkuyi yas rachhun toug suyi chhu shah
suyi chhu kaemil jaam e jamm yemi zoun dil

Rindhe sanpakh zindagi haesil bani
hoshi key navvi khonae bartan proun dil

khoush thaavun mehjoorae dil waswaas traav
khoush chhu duniya khoush agar thaavon dil



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