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Haawas naagan laejinas daawas
wandsayi kallae naavas
aeti aeti roz tov zaeyi kath boz tov
bali chhum choun haawas
yeena naegi raayi darshan deena
Heemal haal baavas
zaejinas lol naar zoon zan gaejinas
laejinas baal daawas
tas kaami devas jaamae paerawas
mushkae saethi tann naawas
youd yee balyaar bae karas zoov nisar
Doudmut seenae haawas
Yaar mout roothhum kath jaayi byothhum
kaeli ma baal raavas
nazrey rozas leykh leykh sozas
paegaam athi kaawas
Taemi kaame devan zaejinam lolae tan
Doh akki yaad paavas
Mehjoor yaaras saethi kar waadae poor
Mo laag bul haavas


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