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shaad sapum dil mey boozum saalae yee az balyar
maarmout khumaar hout suyi myon dilbar dil qaraar

baghwan sheyraan chaman feyraan thareyn aendi aendi wanaan
tas fida bulbul tae gul qaesid chhu yemsund nov bahar

waav sountuk poshi wothran baghe keyn chhaekraan tchou por
kaamae dyov yee shaamae paeti sulli baegraevikh ishtihaar

sumblan henz yawgi yembarzalan henz tazgi
bulbulan hendi meythhi aalav tas madanwaras nisar

rozi baghas waarae sabzi raechhi chhas syod saadgi
waavae hardeni zard gaeschhi gaeschhi peyn pathar sarmayi daar

yoot kaal aesem fulayi saeri mey kun mushtaaq aesi
myav poshan draam yamath taam korhaas sangsaar

waav subhuk boyi khoush shabnam tae bulbul nagmae khaan
gul chhu paegambar baharuk saethi chhis yem tchour yaar

gul chhu samyuk band bulbul kar chhu zanh maanaan samayi
laag bulbul ya sapan gul chhuyi tchey panas yikhtiyar

chaani kathae Mehjoor chaavaan aerifan aab e hayat
maanae hout Darwesh e kaemil aase hakh nayi halqae daar


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