Baeliye heys tayi hosh hayi rovum
kaemi roshnovum poshi mout yaar
kaemii naeshi rovum kaemi wargelovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Bulbul lolae afsaan heytchh novum
wannae wannae myaani gayi gul beydaar
mann kuyi kostoor bey khabar thovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Aswaeni poshi tharri haal e dil bovum
poshov jaamae tchaeti goundnakh naar
aeshi waani panni ney beyi shehlovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Jalwae dith soruyi bagh Tamblovum
mushkae chhas kaefir rangae deendar
Rangae saethi sang dil door weyse rovum
kaemi roshnovum—–

poshi nool poshi waari manz behnovum
hosh saan kour taemi haal izhaar
poshi waethran peythh tee leykhnovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Asmaeni rangae saethi jaamae rangnovum
badlaan rang gayi bey shumaar
asli pannuyi rang raav rovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Laeni nichhi paetrey saath wuchhnovum
kar sana mey tae tas gaschhi miltchaar
bul gov jotishas hisaab rovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Faeriyad kaeri kaeri chhanzaale rovum
yaaras ma goum kanh gham waar
gousae gos tosae maedanae manzae rovum
kaemi roshnovum—–

Lav hout poshi toor nindri wuznovum
zonum yeti rozneki chhis nae atvaar
lolae mas chovum vyoor heyth trovum
kaemi roshnovum—-

Shokae saan ye panun paan paaeraevum
tanni myani aesi ivaan mushkaeni daar
Taemi madan waaran man parkhovum
kaemi roshnovum—

Mehjoor loleki taranae wannae novum
hol tchalae naavan lolae guftaar
aemi saeti rovmut dil samblovum
kaemi roshnovum—-



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